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Spark The Next Wave of Innovation


Desktop, Mobile


Marketing site / Dashboard


Product design, Ux, Ui


HFS has come to coordinate investors and carefully chosen projects with high POC, carefully chosen by its experts, and also provides full support for projects selected until full funding is received.
HFS provide high quality and safe opportunities for investors interested in entering the world of social finance.


In accordance with the definition of the project’s objectives, we decided that the project will be divided into two parts:

1 - A marketing website that will explain the strength of the product and the how's behind it, and to give the user the feeling that there is a stable anchor to rely on.

2 - Creating a modular dashboard area in which every participant will manage his portfolio or projects.

Designing a Product From the Ground Up

To plan an efficient system for how the prototype will work I used this flows:
The ultimate goal of the home page was that the user will reach the dashboard stage when he has already 
defined the role he wants to fill in addition to 
create a complete user profile.

The design principles 

The website UI design was created with the thought that at the moment the website deals with investments only in high-tech and mortgages but maybe later will also have more sectors.
So I decided that the UI should have a clean design so that it can be adapted to different sectors in different languages, and the difference will be expressed in colors of accompanying elements and shades of gray.

High tech


High tech



Basic 4-step Wizzard with brief explanations of the system and initial user profile settings.


The registration prosses is where the user build his profile, he will be asked to fill general details about the role he wishes to fulfill, the sectors is interested in and more, which will have a direct effect on is dashboard look and what information such as investments, mentors,  etc will be presented or suggested. 



The dashboard is where the user can manage is investments, seek for a new project and can get in touch with user involved in his projects such as mentors and investors.

Same as the website, the dashboard is separated into sectors of hi-tech and mortgages etc, every dashboard follows the design used on the website.

The dashboard is personalized and can be customized to the user's needs and the role he fills, investor or entrepreneur for example.


The dashboard

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